I did the long haul in mid February from Lionel-Groulx metro to Ville St. Pierre and got some nice shots. Some of which I've already posted (Seville Theatre and Raphael Motel). Here are some shots I got from along the way from the TA Wall & Factory. I'll post more from CBR, Stinky's, Ville Emard, the Lachine Canal area, and Turcot soon. I'll have another posting for the TA Wall and Factory soon as things are looking good there again. And of course, from CBR as it's one of my favorite graff haunts. These shots are from the first two weeks of February. My apologies as I have been busy. I'll try to get stuff up more quickly in the future. Till then, enjoy these pics.
The Factory didn't have anything much that was new but there were a few recent additions that I thought should be noted. The factory is really nice at this time of the year with the last of the ice and snow reflecting the light providing for some nice shots.
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