Garage rock played the way it should be played...Loud, fierce, uncompromised neanderthal sludge without all the usual retro-isms. Think The Sonics meets Texas punk circa '66. A veritable non-stop cacophony of mind numbing over the top maniacal mayhem, without a blooze lick to be found. A sound not heard in these parts since Ronny Regan walked the hallowed halls of Sacramento's state capitol building as guv'nor. SOUNDS OF VIOLENCE treds where no band in recent memory has dared to tred. Take HATE for instance. A song so revered by lonesome losers the world over that no band in their right mind would ever attempt to cover it, let alone slay it . WRONG!!! Th' Losin Streaks make it their own baby!!! The Stoics will be proud papas when they get to hear this. - CD Baby

Th' Losin Streaks - Sounds of Violence - 2004/rs
Th' Losin Streaks - Sounds of Violence - 2004/sb
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