1. Learn the history to appreciate the art. Graffiti is a hobby with some history. Look at early hip-hop and the first writers (people who write graffiti), such as Taki in NY. When starting writing, you will be labeled a toy (un-experienced writer). The word toy has two meanings, which are un-experienced writer, and writer who doesn't want to learn and do whatever they want which ruins it for everyone else. (Giving writers a bad name).
2. Pick a graffiti name. Practice drawing letters and pick some that you like drawing. Do not try to get too crazy with extensions and bending at first. Take it slow and make everything as clean as possible. It is very helpful at this point to find inspiration from other pictures you see. However, in the future, you will want to develop your own, unique style. A very important aspect to creating a good style with your name is flow. Keep characteristics of letters common throughout the rest of your name. Style is everything. When picking a name or alias, choose one that is unique—one that will last and represents you as an artist.
3. Carry a sketchbook and pencil with you wherever you go. Practice your craft as much as possible. As you come up with new ideas for tags and designs, sketch them in your book and develop the concept by trying out different variations. If possible, carry pencils of a few different colors. Eventually, you can move to using permanent marker.
4. Work with your cans. Buy a piece of plywood from Home Depot to practice on. At this point, colors and styles should be simple. Practice your can control and your techniques for painting and steps for putting together a clean "piece".
5. Be Smart. Many cities also have "permission" or "legal" walls specified for graffiti art. Legal graffiti is often more respected than street art. You have unlimited time and freedom to do what you please. Compare legal walls to quick throw-ups found on the street. You will find that legal walls are intricate and aesthetic. Street art is just trying to be seen. Legal graffiti art is more remembered and respected by those who do not completely understand the art form. Also be aware that other writers will expect work of a very high standard, so low standard work on a legal wall can make you look really unskilled, whereas poor standard illegal work can be explained by a variety of factors (cops, owners, losing your footing etc.).
6. Try to meet experienced writers who can help you learn the ropes. (Remember, be safe and be legal. It could put you in jail) Show your appreciation for their work and their skills. And whatever you do, do not paint over a respected artist or good artwork because you will also be called a toy.
And remember, whenever you write, keep in mind that you are representing the entire graffiti culture anytime anyone else sees it. People usually don't differentiate between writers, they just know that somebody destroyed their property. Stay away from privately-owned businesses or vehicles, worship areas, high profile business buildings. The experienced writers nowadays tend to stick to low-profile spots such as tunnels, abandoned buildings, and, if so desired, legal spots.
You can also draw graffiti on paper. Some of graffiti on paper works you can find in our Art Gallery.
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