Graffiti in u'r Body

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Banksy Graffiti - Traffic Signs Aircraft

banksy graffiti
Banksy Graffiti - Traffic Signs Aircraft

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Banksy Graffiti - Traffic Signs Aircraft

Banksy Graffiti - Traffic Signs AircraftPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Graffiti Alphabet Letters P Sketches

Graffiti sketches the letter P with character.
This sketch of the letter 'P' is used to spell Pharmacologist in Perez' book Perez on Medicine.
This sketch of the letter 'P' is used to spell Podiatrist in Perez' book Perez on Medicine.

This sketch of the letter 'P' is used to spell Public Health Doctor in Perez' book Perez on Medicine. Via:

Friday, April 29, 2011

Graffiti Letters Logo Design Picture by Artist

graffiti picture
Graffiti Letters Logo Design Picture by Artist

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Graffiti Letters Logo Design Picture by Artist

Graffiti Letters Logo Design Picture by ArtistPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cara membuat telur palsu (made in china)

Quote: Buat agan2 nie mantep nyah negara iniDi Cina ada sekolah yang mengajarkan berbagai teknologi barang palsu terang-terangan, bahkan TELUR AYAM dapat dimodulasi oleh bahan kimia,tetapi juga dapat di goreng/dimasak.. Quote: Langkah 1:Langkah 1 modulasi bahan baku:Menggunakan 7 jenis bahan kimia, lihat pic di bawah ini Spoiler for : Telur

Top 5 Hoax Terheboh di Dunia

Quote: Quote: Sepanjang sejarah, jelas ada banyak banget hoax ( kabar bohong ) yang menyebar di masyarakat. Apalagi di zaman sekarang teknologi makin maju dan zamannya internet kayak sekarang ini, hoax pun makin mudah dan makin global aja penyebarannya . Di bawah ini TS akan mengulas secara singkat 5 Hoax terheboh di Dunia, langsung aja cek it out, n jangan lupa

Iklan Yang Bikin Merinding Orang Indonesia

Quote: [ Buat yang males buffer, nih ane jabarin tempat2 yang dijadiin lokasi syutingnya.. Spoiler for way kambas: Quote: 1. Way KambasTmn Nasional Way kambas letaknya di Lampung, sumatera selatan. Gajah-gajah liar yang dilatih di sana dapat dijadikan sebagai gajah tunggang, atraksi, angkutan kayu dan bajak sawah.Pada pusat latihan gajah

Fakta Neil Amstrong Bohong Ke Bulan ??

Quote: Berikut Faktanya Quote: * Dari gerakan para astronot dan kendaraan yang dipakai di Bulan, sama sekali tidak terlihat mereka berada di ruang hampa anti gravitasi (terlihat jelas setelah gerakannya dipercepat 2x dan 4x)* Bendera Amerika yang berada di Bulan dalam foto terlihat berkibar- kibar (padahal di Bulan tidak ada atmosfer, kok bisa ada

10 Negara di dunia yang harga bensinnya paling murah

10. United Arab Emirate Rp. 3450/literUni Emirat Arab adalah negara yang bagus untuk tinggal masuk Selain memiliki salah satu harga gas termurah di dunia mereka juga negara kaya ke-4 di dunia.Tahukah Anda bahwa Enzo Ferrari mengambil gas lebih banyak daripada Toyota Prius? Berpikir tentang hal seperti ini, membuat hanya logis untuk memiliki gas super murah untuk orang-orang super kaya dan ada

7 bentuk awan yang paling langka di dunia

Quote: Quote: 1. Nacreous CloudsAwan NacreousAwan ini jarang kita lihat, kadang-kadang disebut awan ibu mutiara, berada di ketinggian 15 - 25km (9 -16 mil)di stratosfer dan jauh di atas awan troposfer. Quote: Spoiler for : Mereka memiliki warna yang bervariasi tetapi bukan sembarang warna. variasi warna ini dibentuk dari bias

Telstar Sound Drone 7" now out on Bad Afro

Danish act Telstar Sound Drone have released "Mirror pieces" b/w "Golden needles" on Bad Afro on May 30

Telstar Sound Drone formed in 2007 when Hans Beck convinced Mads Saaby to join him in a project called Les Aprés L’amour Sonnes, an artist collective working with media such as sound and video. The first project was to add sound to old educational movies, playing along with the projections. With the addition of Sean Jardenbæk and Mads Løwe the project turned into a band and settled with the name Telstar Sound Drone.
The band recorded a self-titled EP that led to a show at Roskilde Festival in 2009. After that Telstar Sound Drone took a break while internal problems almost destroyed the band. At one point Hans Beck was the only member of the band playing all the instruments. The problems were solved and in early 2011 they recorded two brand new songs at the Black Tornado studio in Copenhagen with this single in mind.
Telstar Sound Drone cleverly blend shoegazer, drone and psychedelic rock and even though the noise breaks are quite breathtaking the music is always melodic making this release one of the most promising singles on Bad Afro in a long time.
The Telstar Sound Drone line-up is: Sean Jardenbæk (Vocals, Guitar), Mads Løwe (Bass), Mads Saaby (Guitar) and Hans Beck (Drums). The two last mentioned also play in Baby Woodrose.

Telstar Sound Drone - Mirror Pieces

Most recent Bad Afro releases are available for download including a fair share of rare stuff previously only available on vinyl. We’re connected to iTunes, Amazon, Fairtrade, E-music, Klicktrack, TDC PLAY, FNAC, WIMP, Spotify, Napster, Inprodicon, Rhapsody, Nokia and many more digital shops. Search for our artists at your favorite download joint and you will probably find them!

Stamp Graffiti Emo - Guitar Rock Music

Graffiti Emo
Stamp Graffiti Emo - Guitar Rock Music

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Stamp Graffiti Emo - Guitar Rock Music

Graffiti Emo
Stamp Graffiti Emo - Guitar Rock Music

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Stamp Graffiti Emo - Guitar Rock Music

Stamp Graffiti Emo - Guitar Rock MusicPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

21 Fakta Mengharukan Tentang Keistimewaan Indonesia Di Dunia Internasional

Ini lah 21 Fakta Mengharukan Tentang Keistimewaan Indonesia Di Dunia Internasional Quote: Originally Posted by Spoiler for : Quote: Originally Posted by 1. PT.PAL sukses membuat salah satu kapal terbaik di dunia "Star 50" berbobot 50,000 ton. Salah satu Negara yang memesan kapal ini adalah Singapura.

Laba-laba dengan warna dan bentuk terunik

1.The Horned Spider (Gasteracantha arcuata) Spoiler for image: 2.The Arrow-shaped Micrathena Spider (Micrathena sagittata)ditemukan di sebelah timur United States dan Central Amrica Spoiler for image: ini kayanya yg cewek gan soalnya punya jaring 3.The Venusta Orchard Spider (Leucauge)nih laba² ukurannya cuma 7mm doang dan yg cowok ukuranya setengah kali yg cewek. bayangin gan

sejarah Hantu-hantu Jepang (+PIC)

Quote: OBAKE Spoiler for obake: Obake (お化け?) atau bakemono (化け物?) adalah sejenis yōkai dalam cerita rakyat Jepang. Arti harfiah dari kata obake adalah sesuatu yang sangat besar atau sesuatu yang bentuknya aneh.Istilah bakemono sering diterjemahkan dalam kamus sebagai hantu atau setan, namun istilah ini umumnya dipakai untuk makhluk hidup atau makhluk supranatural yang

Billy Childish - In Blood - 1999

An excellent addition to the catalog of British garage-punk, icon Billy Childish teams up here with chanteuse Holly Golightly of thee Headcoatees. Her group is the female companion to his legendary Headcoats, and the duo share a passion for the monotony of lurching mono-chord riffs. Hence, In Blood is a concept album based around a message -- that three chords is too many. Backed by the Medway Delta Review, the band is effectively the Headcoats with the addition of Johnny Gibb of the Wildebeests. The group burn through a series of variations on the E chord -- staggering the beat and twisting the riff into every possible variation within the formula. The duos combined voices and lyrical wit make In Blood a kind of post-punk Lee Hazlewood/Nancy Sinatra affair. A compelling highlight in the expansive cannons of Billy Childish and Holly Golightly this comes highly recommended. -AMG



Wednesday, April 27, 2011

[ngakak inside] Valentino Rossi menyatakan ga akan mengunjungi Indonesia lagi

The Doctor yang musim ini pindah ke pabrikan Ducati menyatakan dalam jumpa pers setelah seri Jerez bahwa dirinya tidak akan mengunjungi negara Indonesia lagi,namun alasannya bukan karena Indonesia bukan pangsa pasar yang besar untuk pabrikan Ducati tapi lebih dikarenakan beberapa kekecewaan Rossi saat berkunjung ke Indonesia.Berikut beberapa alasan yang dikemukakan Rossi mengenai Indonesia: 1.

Bendera-bendera Paling Aneh Dari Seluruh Dunia

Bendera seharusnya mewakili simbol akhir dari patriotisme. Mereka adalah simbol dari suatu negara tertentu. Meskipun bendera adalah sepotong kain sederhana, secara signifikan bendera sangat banyak berarti. Namun, bendera dapat digunakan dalam tujuan yang berbeda selain dari patriotisme.Bendera dapat digunakan sebagai pesan atau sinyal atau bahkan dalam iklan. Dan tujuan yang sebenarnya dari corak

10 senjata unik yang pernah diciptakan

Quote: Originally Posted by AyamJang Berikut ini adalah senjata-senjata aneh yang diciptakan oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai skill dan imajinasi yang cukup unik bahkan beberapa bisa dibilang aneh.1. Animal BombsDalam Perang Dunia II, Amerika Serikat mencoba kelelawar dengan bom pembakar kecil karena banyaknya kelelawar yang tersedia dan kemampuan mereka untuk

10 Kisah Orang-orang Bodoh Dunia Yang Akhirnya Sukses Luar Biasa !

1. ADAM KHOODia orang Singapura. Waktu kecil, ia adalah penggemar berat games dan TV. Sehari, ia bisa berjam-jam di depan TV. Baik main PS atau nonton TV.Adam Khoo pun dikenal sebagai anak bodoh. Ketika kelas empat SD, Ia dikeluarkan dari sekolah. Ia pun masuk ke SD terburuk di Singapura. Ketika akan masuk SMP, ia ditolak oleh enam SMP terbaik di sana. Akhirnya, ia bisa masuk ke SMP terburuk di

5 Orang Indonesia yang Terkenal via Youtube

Quote: 1. Shinta dan jojoSinta dan jojo memulai popularitas nya melalui media youtube pada akhir bulan juli tahun 2010 yang lalu. jojo yang asli cimahi dan sedang kuliah di Univ.pasundan ini menjadi perbincangan melalui situs jejaring sosial seperti facebook dan twitter berkat aksi nya yang menggemaskan dengan lipsing lagu disko dangdut 'keong racun' bersama sahabatnya yaitu

[FAKTA]Misteri Dibalik Illuminati Card Game

Tujuan Illuminati Hanyalah Mendirikan satu pemerintahan dyang secara tersembunyi mampu mengatur dunia baru.Mereka tidak perlu menguasai Jabatan Negara Secara Formal,Tetapi Mampu ''Mencuci Otak'' (Brainwashed) para pengambil keputusan melaksanakan rencana-rencana mereka,Untuk Itu Mereka harus menguasai Perserikatan Bangsa-bangsa (PBB) dengan cara melakukan berbagai lobi tinggi (sekarang Sudah

hewan dengan jumlah terbanyak (di dunia)

1. SEMUT Quote: semut adalah makluk kecil dengan kekuatan yang besar. dalam kata lain "jangan pernah remehin yang kecil karena bisa jadi doi itu lebih dari ente" semut merupakan koloni binatang dengan member terbanyak di dunia.. karena di setiap 1 koloni bisa di isi hingga 50-100juta semut (tergantung besar koloni dan tempat nya) lebih dari 3/4 bumi di kuasai oleh semut (kecuali

Pemeran figuran di spongebob yang ente nggak ketahui!

Siapa bilang cuma di film dan sinetron doang yang ada tokoh pendukung dan para figurannya.Buktinya: Kartun buatan Nickelodeon, Spongebob Squarepants.tanpa panjang lebar lagi, nih tokoh-tokohnya..---------------------- Spoiler for Johnny Erain: Mungkin anda tidak kenal siapa itu Johnny Erain, dan, jadi apa dia di kartun Spongebob? Tapi kalau sudah melihat gambarnya pasti anda langsung ngeh

Tak Disangka Dulu Gurun Sahara Di Penuhi Buaya Raksasa Yg Bisa Berjalan dgn dua kaki

Spoiler for buaya: Dari fosil baru yang digali di Gurun Sahara, Afrika, terungkap bahwa lokasi itu dulunya adalah rawa-rawa tempat hidup sekitar setengah lusin spesies buaya yang tidak biasa, bahkan mungkin cerdas. Demikian dilaporkan sejumlah peneliti, belum lama ini, setelah mempelajari rahang, gigi dan beberapa tulang buaya itu. Spoiler for buaya: Seperti dilansir Reuters, para

7 dewa perang yang terkenal

Begitu banyak suku dan kepercayaan didunia, menimbulkan berbagai macam perbedaan. dari mulai adat, kebiasaan sampai makanan. Tapi yang gilanaya Dewa dari setiap suku dan negara juga beda2 loh gan.... contohnya dewa perang. Neh ane kasih inpo ttg dewa perang dari berbagai macam suku dan negara. langsung aja dah gan.... cekedot dah.... 1. AresAres merupakan dewa perang dalam mitologi Yunani. Dalam

Phoenix - United - 2000

The 2000 debut from the French band Phoenix gleefully combines the electronic- laced melodicism of their fellow countrymen Air with the sensibilities of 1980s UK pop (in the mode of China Crisis and Prefab Sprout) and imbues the results with a dance-floor sensibility. Toss in a bit of classic '70s stadium rock and tongue-in-cheek country, and you have UNITED, a Frankenstein's monster of a record, guaranteed to have something to please nearly any ear.



Blood Emo Graffiti - Gothic Punk

Emo Graffiti
Blood Emo Graffiti - Gothic Punk

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Blood Emo Graffiti - Gothic Punk

Emo Graffiti
Blood Emo Graffiti - Gothic Punk

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Blood Emo Graffiti - Gothic Punk

Blood Emo Graffiti - Gothic PunkPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New Kurt Baker Single "Why You Gotta Lie" OUT NOW!

Hey all you crazy wild and cool funky people!
Exciting news today! I've just released another brand new track called "Why You Gotta Lie". As it was with the last single I released, "Don't Steal My Heart Away", this tune was recorded by the awesome Jon Wyman here in sunny ol' Maine, and features my group : Geoff Useless (The Queers, the Guts), Josh Malia (Hi Fivin' White Guys, The Taxis), Craig Sala (Planeside, Paranoid Social Club), Kris "Fingers" Rodgers (Goodnight Process) and a special lead guitar solo by Miek Rodrigue (Holy Boys Danger Club).-Kurt Baker

Here's a special promo video for the tune

My friends at Oglio records are offering up a special offer! Woah!
BUY "Why You Gotta Lie" and get "Don't Steal My Heart Away" FOR FREE!
"Why You Gotta Lie" on sale at iTUNES
"Why You Gotta Lie" on sale at AMAZON

"Like" and share "Why You Gotta Lie" on bandcamp!


4/28/11@ Empire Dine Dance - Portland ME
w/ Steiner Street + The BF's, Northern Lungs, More!
4/30/11 - @ Production Lounge, Brooklyn NYC w/ Hellfish, One Short Fall, New Rochelles + More!
5/1/11- Paul Collins "Power Pop-a-Licious Fest" @ Asbury Lanes - Asbury Park NJ 
5/2/11 - @ Charlies Kitchen, Boston MA w/ THE BF's, Beware the Dangers of a Ghost Scorpion + More

Well, that's enough spam for one day right? haha! I hope you dig the new tune and come drink a beer and party with me at the upcoming shows! 
© Kurt Baker

Baby Woodrose, Mindblowing Seeds and Disconnected Flowers available now

In 2011 it’s 10 years ago that Lorenzo Woodrose started his own label Pan Records and released the Baby Woodrose debut album Blows Your Mind. The album is still a favourite among many Baby Woodrose fans and along the years the album has sold almost 10.000 copies on LP and CD and an unknown amount of downloads. To celebrate the 10 year anniversary Bad Afro will release Mindblowing Seeds & Disconnected Flowers April 25th – a collection of 15 of the original 4 track demos that led to the release of Blows Your Mind. Below Lorenzo Woodrose explains how the album came about:

“In the late summer of 1999 I was in quite a difficult situation, having no home, no job, no girlfriend, no money and perhaps worst of all, the band I was playing the drums in at the time lost our guitarist, so I was even fearing I was without a band, something that has always meant a lot to me. Usually, I ended up crashing on the couch of my friend The Hobbit and often in our rehearsal room in a northwest industrial area of Copenhagen. Sometime during that summer I had also been introduced to the magic of the Woodrose seeds and somehow the experience, combined with my rather desperate state of mind, spawned a creative outburst of unforeseen proportions.

I decided to call the project Baby Woodrose, because several of the songs (Baby Blows, Living A Dream, Spinning Wheels) reflected my experience with the seeds earlier that summer. I had a vision of a vast ocean and I saw what I believe was an image of my creative potential personified in a naked woman, mysteriously filling one water bucket at a time, dragging them ashore and piling them up on the soft sandy beach. Somehow, I figured it meant that I just had to start working. For several months during that autumn, I did nothing but write and record on my little Fostex Multitracker X-30. The result was something like fifty highly distorted demo tracks in a sixties garage punk style.

I have always felt that the blueprint for the soul and spirit of Baby Woodrose is really within these very first recordings of my own, so it feels great to finally have them on vinyl and I hope some of you can appreciate the beauty of these rough diamonds. I have picked out 15 tracks, many of which also ended up on the album in final versions, but two of them were released separately under the alias Disconnected Flowers on a 7” which is virtually impossible to dig up by now and a few are previously unreleased. Polishing these tracks proved a thankless task, but luckily I still had most of the original master cassettes and the original tape machine, so this album is basically a 24bit digital dump and a careful remix of the stuff I think is the most interesting”.

Lorenzo Woodrose 2011

Bad Afro Records
Halmtorvet 29, Bygn. 12 A, 1
1700 Copenhagen V

Beautiful Sketch Women Graffiti Wallpaper - Black and White

Graffiti Wallpapers
Beautiful Sketch Women Graffiti Wallpaper - Black and White

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Beautiful Sketch Women Graffiti Wallpaper - Black and White

Graffiti Wallpapers
Beautiful Sketch Women Graffiti Wallpaper - Black and White

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Beautiful Sketch Women Graffiti Wallpaper - Black and White

Beautiful Sketch Women Graffiti Wallpaper - Black and WhitePlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Monday, April 25, 2011

sejarah penemuan Bom Atom

Bom Atom Quote: Pada tahun 1902, Marie dan Pierre Curie mengisolasi logam radioaktif disebut radium Spoiler for : Marie dan Pierre Curie Quote: Quote: Pada tahun 1905, Albert Einstein merumuskan dalam teori Teori Relativitas Khusus. Menurut teori ini, massa dapat dianggap sebagai bentuk lain dari energi. Menurut

Sejarah Manis Sepakbola Indonesia, Klub Lokal Mengalahkan Arsenal 2-0

Dulu, tim nasional PSSI sering kebanjiran tamu hebat. Mulai dari Dinamo Moskow dengan Vladimir Bubukin-nya, Santos dengan Pele-nya, tim nasional Uruguay, sampai yang pernah saya saksikan langsung, PSV Eindhoven atau Feyenoord. Dua klub Inggris Stoke City dan Queen’s Park Rangers, Brno (Ceko), Kristiansand (Norwegia), Ebsbjerg (Denmark) juga pernah datang.Saya akhirnya ingat ketika di bulan Juni

Inilah 10 Efek Buruk Situs Jejaring Sosial Facebook

Sejak diciptakan pada 2004 oleh Mark Zuckerberg, situs jejaring sosial Facebook berulang kali "disalahkan" atas berbagai masalah. Mulai dari hancurnya pernikahan, obesitas pada anak, hingga oleh Professor Peter Kelly, kepala kesehatan publik di Teesside, Inggris, mengungkap kalau Facebook berperan dalam penyebaran penyakit sipilis. Inilah 10 Efek Buruk Situs Jejaring Sosial Facebook:1. Memicu

10 Catatan Sejarah Paling Kelam dari Dunia Tinju Professional

Tinju Profesional dikenal sebagai "Sweet Science", tetapi dengan adanya korupsi, kolusi, kecurangan, ancaman kekerasan yang melatar belakanginya, dan lahirnya badan baru MMA, telah mengancam eksistensi olahraga tinju professional duniaPertandingan Besar masih menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar, kadang jumlahnya sangat mencolok perbedaannya dan inilah 10 peristiwa yang telah memberi kontribusi

7 Kategori Kecerdasan Manusia

Kemampuan menggunakan kata secara efektif, lisan maupun tertulis. Meliputi juga kemampuan memanipulasi tata bahasa atau struktur bahasa, bunyi bahasa makna sehingga pekaterhadap kata kalimat, susunan, huruf, dan mampu menyusunnya dengan baik dan indah. 1. Kecerdasan matematis-logisKemampuan menggunakan angka dengan baik, melakukan penalaran dengan benar, kepekaan pada pola dan hubungan antar hal

Amazing 3D Graffiti Wallpaper

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Amazing 3D Graffiti Wallpaper

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Amazing 3D Graffiti Wallpaper

Amazing 3D Graffiti WallpaperPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Graffiti Fonts - Tagging Zher

Graffiti Alphabet Letters and Fonts. Tagging Zher by Zher Graffiti Productions. See more at dafont,com

The Jessica Fletchers - Less Sophistication - 2005

The Jessica Fletchers' free-spirited, effervescent approach to indie pop, steeped in the influence of psychedelic and bubblegum pop groups of the 1960s (the Monkees, the Association), nods to the Bicycles, Tullycraft, and the Apples in Stereo. Originally comprised of Bjorn Rune Lie, Vegard Syrstad, Andreas Mastrup, Thomas Innstø , and Rune Somdal, the group formed in a suburb of Oslo, Norway, in 1997, naming themselves after the crime-fighting mystery writer, played by Angela Lansbury, central to the hit television series Murder, She Wrote. The band self-released its debut album, I Can Shoot You from Here, one year later; the album subsequently caught the attention of the folks at Perfect Pop Records, who signed the band before the year was out. The Jessica Fletchers' first EP on that label, Sorry About the Noise!, came out in 2000; drummer Lie amicably split with the group after the disc was released, and was replaced by Jan Henning Sørensen. The Jessica Fletchers' profile was given a healthy boost later that year when they competed in and won Zoom, a Norwegian "battle of the bands"-style contest; the group toured Norway (which was part of their Zoom prize winnings) in the months that followed, during which time "Sorry About the Noise" became a fairly popular song on Norwegian radio.

Their next EP, (Come On) It's Only Nine (funded, at least partially, by the band's Zoom winnings), came out in 2002; Vegard Syrstad left the group that summer and keyboardist Ivar ("Ravi") Chr. Johansen was brought into the fold. The group's debut full-length, What Happened to The?, was released the following year, and the band was signed to the New York-based label Rainbow Quartz soon after. Johansen left the group around this time, citing a desire to work on a solo hip-hop project, prompting Innstø to bring his brother Mats into the band. The Jessica Fletchers toured heavily over the next year, embarking on their first major European tour and making an appearance at the 2004 SXSW festival. Their third full-length, Less Sophistication, was released in Norway that fall. Another full-length album, You Spider, came out in 2007. -AMG



Sunday, April 24, 2011

5 Virus Komputer Paling Berbahaya Di Dunia

Virus komputer telah menjadi sebuah fenomena yang mampu membuat pengguna PC ketakutan. Dampak dari adanya virus, bisa menimbulkan kerugian sampai milyaran rupiah.Ibarat sebuah penyakit, virus komputer bisa menginfeksi siapa saja tanpa pandang bulu. Berikut ini adalah beberapa virus yang paling berbahaya dan mampu menimbulkan kerugian sampai ratusan milyar lebih1. CIHTerdeteksi tahun Juni 1998

Inilah Alasanya Mengapa Kucing Dikatakan Punya 9 Nyawa

Menurut catatan di salah satu dokter hewan New York City, seekor kucing bernama Sabrina jatuh dari lantai 32 sebuah bangunan dan masih hidup untuk mengeongkan kisahnya. Ia selamat dengan satu gigi patah dan beberapa luka ringan.Betapa pun menakjubkan kedengarannya, kisah Sabrina tidak terlalu luar biasa. Apabila orang jatuh dari ketinggian, cedera mereka pasti parah. Tengkorak atau tulang

MR Wiggles Graffiti Alphabet>> Graffiti Bubble Letters

Graffiti Alphabet Letters. MR Wiggles Graffiti Alphabet, Graffiti Bubble Letters

10 Kendaraan Tercepat Di Dunia

Dari segala kendaraan yang ada di juka bumi ini, tenyata ada juga berbagai kendaraan yang memiliki kecepatan yang sangat mengagumkan dan jauh berbeda dengan kecepatan kendaraan lain yang sejenis. Dan kami akan segera menampilkanya pada anda. Tapi sebelumnya kami beritahukan bahwa urutan kendaraan tercepat ini bukan disusun berdasarkan urutan kecepatanya, melainkan disusun berdasarkan kategori

Mau Pintar Main Game? Beli Aja Baterai 9 Volt

Merasa frustasi dengan permainan game anda yang tidak pernah mencapai tahap akhir? Salah game atau otak anda yang belum mampu? Jangan kuatir, sekarang ada cara murah untuk menstimulasi otak anda supaya mahir bermain game.Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh University of New Mexico telah berhasil mengambil sebuah kesimpulan bahwa dengan menempelkan baterai ukuran 9 volt ke kepala anda maka (semoga)

5 Produk Keren Google yang Tidak Banyak Diketahui Orang

1. GOOGLE NOTEBOOKBagaimana Anda membuat catatan hal-hal sementara Anda browsing situs di Internet? Memiliki notebook ini cukup membantu, tetapi tidak mungkin untuk bawa bersama Anda setiap waktu. Google Notebook adalah alternatif yang sangat kuat yang memungkinkan Anda menyimpan catatan Anda secara online. Ini akan menolong sementara Anda bekerja pada setiap proyek atau mengumpulkan

inilah senapan termahal didunia

Perusahaan Swedia VO Vapen, yang khusus memproduksi senjata ekslusif, telah memproduksi senapan berburu paling mewah yg terbuat semuanya dari tangan. Semua produk dibikin sangat terbatas,tahun ini aja hanya beberapa biji dibikin. Mau tahu harganya ? 820,000 dollar alias 7,13 Milyar rupiah ! Harga yang bikin cenat-cenut....


The first Power Pop-A-Licious music festival will take place on Saturday April 30th & Sunday May 1st at the legendary rock club Asbury Lanes in Asbury Park, NJ. Conceived and curated by power pop legend Paul Collins (cofounder of THE NERVES, THE BREAKAWAYS and THE BEAT) the fest will bring together some of the finest young guitar-driven power pop, garage rock and punk-pop bands from across the U.S. and Canada. Power Pop-A-Licious is a unifying rally cry for this thriving rock-n-roll subculture, and is a means for power pop fans of all ages to discover a wealth of talented new music acts in one power-packed weekend.

Collins explains the concept behind the festival, “I was touring all over the country with my Beat Army Tours, when it hit me, I gotta bring all these great bands I’m playing with together for one crazy weekend!”

This all-ages event is ground zero for a burgeoning DIY power pop scene that’s been fueled by the immediacy of the Internet, the devotion of its fans, and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Each day will feature bands from different regions of the country, with local DJs spinning sets to create an all-day dance party atmosphere. Similar in approach to “happenings” in 1960′s London, Power Pop-A-Licious is no mere rock n’ roll concert, it’s an event. DJs, performance artist’s video projections, and, of course, the spirited, high-energy live rock-n-roll performances from all these great new bands will provide the entertainment. The world-famous Asbury Lanes, where the two day fest will take place, is a vintage bowling alley, bar and live music venue with a capacity of 300, and is located in the heart of beautiful Asbury Park.

Tickets for the fest will be $15 for Saturday and $10 for Sunday, and will be available to purchase online through TicketWeb:



BAM BAMS (Baltimore)
PEACES (Brooklyn)
BAXX SISI’S (Brooklyn)
LANDLORD (Bloomington, ID)
FUTURE VIRGINS (Chattanooga)
AMOEBAS (Grand Rapids)
HALF RATS (Indianapolis)


BFs (Gloucester)
KURT BAKER (Portland, ME)
THE ABOVE (Brooklyn)
GLORY FIRES (Birmingham)
THE SIGHTS ( Detroit)

PAUL COLLINS may just be Power Pop’s greatest champion and spokesperson. Through extensive worldwide touring, and connecting to like-minded bands, artists and fans through social networking sites, Paul has created THE BEAT ARMY, a DIY network of people connected by their love of power pop, punk, new wave and rock-n-roll to help ensure its success at the club level – where rock-n-roll lives and breathes. While THE BEAT ARMY only began last March, Collins has already amassed over 2,700 members. In addition, he’s been touring heavily in support of both THE BEAT ARMY and his new album KING OF POWER POP! (on Alive Records). “Since forming THE BEAT ARMY we’ve done 50-plus shows throughout the South, Canada, East Coast, Midwest and the West Coast involving over 60 bands from around the country,” Collins states. “The shows all have low ticket prices (averaging from $8 to $10) and we book them ourselves. ‘By the people, for the people’… that’s our motto.”





Power Pop-A-Licious is sponsored by The Beat Army, Hotel Tides Restaurant & Spa, The Empress, Comet Ping Pong, Vinyl District, GaragePunk NYC,, JJ’s Bohemia, Sluggo’s Vegetarian Cafe, Alive Records, and Hoboken Recorders.

Source- Pavement PR

tanda-tanda pasangan kamu selingkuh

Artikel ini mungkin bermanfaat buat anda yang mungkin merasa pasangan anda selingkuh. Tapi ini hanya kemungkinan saja loh. Saya takut nanti setelah membaca tulisan ini anda lalu serta merta meninggalkan pasangan anda.1. Dia lebih perhatian dari biasanya. Ini karena dia merasa bersalah kepada Anda. Namun, perhatian tersebut perlahan-lahan akan berkurang dan akhirnya menghilang setelah

4 Pink Graffiti Tag Letters

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Graffiti Tag

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Graffiti Tag

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4 Pink Graffiti Tag Letters

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4 Pink Graffiti Tag Letters

4 Pink Graffiti Tag LettersPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Inilah Pesawat Tempur Pertama Buatan Indonesia

Direktur Utama PT Dirgantara Indonesia Budi Santoso mengatakan, Indonesia menjajaki pengembangan pesawat tempur generasi 4,5. “Kalau F-16 itu generasi ke 4, kalau F-35 buatan Amerika itu generasi 5, ini ditengah-tengahnya, Sukhoi itu masih generasi 4,” katanya di sela perhelatan Bandung Air Show.Proyek pembuatanPesawat jet tempur KFX sendiri sebetulnya merupakan proyek lama Republic of Korea Air

Lidah Bunglon 5x Lebih Cepat Dari Jet Tempur

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Planet Paling Unik di Jagat Raya

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3 Type Crayone Tag Graffiti

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graffiti tag
3 Type Crayone Tag Graffiti Design

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3 Type Crayone Tag Graffiti

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graffiti tag
graffiti tag
3 Type Crayone Tag Graffiti Design

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3 Type Crayone Tag Graffiti

3 Type Crayone Tag Graffiti DesignPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Makes Nice - Candy Wrapper & Twelve Other Songs - 2007

Don't let the frantic bash-and-crash opening of "California Sun," the first cut on the Makes Nice's debut album fool you -- for all their outward scruffiness, these guys are popmeisters of the first order, and by the time the third track, "Enough Is Enough," has rolled around, they've pulled out their prettiest harmonies, and the title cut suggests what you'd get if you fused the Raspberries with the Who and transplanted their souls into three dudes jamming in a California garage. Josh Smith's melodic but elemental guitar runs definitely carry their share of rock & roll weight but don't overpower the hooks along the way, while drummer Jack Matthew and bassist Aaron Burnham fuse slightly teenage energy with a sense of musical discipline that never gets in the way of the fun. Cranking through 13 songs in less than 32 minutes, the Makes Nice clearly believe in the virtues of short and sweet, and can bring just enough smirk and swagger to keep things from getting too sweet (cue up "November Girls" or "Cop Killer" for evidence). The Makes Nice play forceful pop music with a punk rocker's lack of pretension, and Candy Wrapper & Twelve Other Songs is a debut that leaves the listener wanting more; let's hope they have another half-hour this impressive in them a year or so down the road. -AMG



Black Graffiti de Nombres

Black Graffiti de Nombres
Black Graffiti de Nombres

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Black Graffiti de Nombres

Black Graffiti de Nombres
Black Graffiti de Nombres

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Black Graffiti de Nombres

Black Graffiti de NombresPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Alfabeto Graffiti Black Letters

Alfabeto Graffiti Black. Graffiti Alphabet Letters


Kaligrafi Graffiti karya Julien Nreton, diambil dari Kaligrafi karya Julien Breton Graffit,diambil dari

Fotografi Kaligrafi / Graffiti Inspiratif

Fotografi Kaligrafi / Graffiti Inspiratif karya Julien Breton Julien Breton, alias Kalaam adalah cowok prancis dari Nantes. Pada tahun 2001 ia mulai belajar kaligrafi arab untuk mencapai, mencair dengan tulisan ‘tag’, sebuah kaligrafi baru yang merupakan perpaduan sempurna antara budaya timur dan barat. Tapi dia ingin lebih, dan dia melakukan semua ini membuat graffiti cahaya

Flash and the Pan - Flash and the Pan - 1979

Not exactly your mother's Easybeats, this debut from the Vanda/ Young side project found some seriously deranged songwriting, with quirky but attention-grabbing music peppered with pointy, strange lyrics. A soundtrack for the dark side of the moon that's well worth searching out. -AMG



Graffiti Love BlackBook by Kat Peoples

graffiti love
Graffiti Love BlackBook by Kat Peoples

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Graffiti Love BlackBook by Kat Peoples

graffiti love
Graffiti Love BlackBook by Kat Peoples

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Graffiti Love BlackBook by Kat Peoples

Graffiti Love BlackBook by Kat PeoplesPlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Candyskins - Fun? - 1993

Fun? is the second album from the Oxford- based quintet featuring brothers Nick and Mark Cope on lead vocals and rhythm guitar, respectfully. Released in 1993, Fun? is written entirely by the Cope brothers, along with lead guitarist Nick Burton, and is a jangly slice of British-tinged alterna-pop. The lyrics, mainly dealing with failed relationships, contrast the sweetness and lightweight feel of the music. "Wembley," the opening track, is a joyous pop/rocker despite the all too obvious interjection of soccer crowd cheering during a referential line. The tribal shuffle and blistering guitar on the title track, the country feel of the lilting "House at the Top of the Hill," and the effects-laden guitars on the psychedelic "You Are Here" are all highlights showing the band's musical diversity. Lyrically, things can be morose to the point of annoying as on "Everything Falls Apart." However, the acoustic "Grass," with its sweet harmonies and lyrical resilience, and the gorgeous closer, "All Over Now," more than make up for any shortcomings. -AMG



Graffiti Love Wall Street - Red Yellow Color Scheme

Graffiti Love
Graffiti Love Wall Street - Red Yellow Color Scheme

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Graffiti Love Wall Street - Red Yellow Color Scheme

Graffiti Love
Graffiti Love Wall Street - Red Yellow Color Scheme

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Graffiti Love Wall Street - Red Yellow Color Scheme

Graffiti Love Wall Street - Red Yellow Color SchemePlease give your comments about this graffiti image, Thanks....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Graffiti dahulunya adalah dianggap seperti pedagang kaki lima yang hanya bisa merusak keindahan/pemandangan kota(VANDALISM)....tetapi di zaman sekarang ,,graffiti sudah dianggap sebagai KARYA SENI(ART)...Sebenarnya...apakah graffiti itu art atau vandalism....??Sebuah tanda tanya besar bagi orang yang belum menguasai apa arti graffiti...di sini anda dapat mengetahi itu...!!Dinding-dinding di

PPO turns 3!

I just realized that Power Pop Overdose has turned 3!  I am amazed.  Thanks to everyone for helping keep PPO going.

Curty Ray

Freddy - Things You Never Thought I'd Say - 2003

Freddy's influences are under the surface, a mix of old and new. From the Beatles to Elton John to Marvin Gaye to Oasis, the result is fresh and captivating. Country music influences from childhood battle with Britpop influences from Freddy's years of living in the United Kingdom, when Pulp, Suede, Blur, Oasis, and the Stereophonics ruled the charts, and Craig David was just emerging. From the first time you listen, you get that tingle in your spine. Because the four right chords can make you cry, and when it's right, the first time you hear it will feel like forever. Acoustic meets electric, dark meets light and opposites blend seamlessly.

This special blend is now available in "Things You Never Thought I'd Say", the debut album by Freddy. The album's 11 songs were written over the course of ten years and represent the diversity and depth of Freddy's writing. It is a mix, and some songs are alike while others aren't. Listen with heart, mind, and gut, for they speak to all. From the edgy strings of "Apart", to the soaring chorus of "Let It Go", and the deep soul groove of "Secret", the album speaks in many ways but in one style: Freddy style. As you listen and enjoy, you find that genre becomes much less important than the music itself. -CD Baby



Monday, April 18, 2011

The Chevelles - Girl God - 2002

Sharing the writing duties, lead singers Adrian Allen and Duane Smith come across as the Fastball from down under. Sweet guitar hooks steering a tight rhythm section kick off "Every Moment," and from there on, every moment on this album brims with power pop ideal for long car rides in the summer. "Make It Happen" relies more on the melody and makes small use of either a xylophone or triangle, something Smith opts for throughout the record. On the other hand, Allen uses more guitar for a slightly harder, edgier sound, such as "First Time -- Last Time." The first few songs are all possible singles, and there is no hint of filler, but the title track seems to have the finest single quality. "C'Mon Everybody" is one of the weaker tunes here and sounds a bit like the Beach Boys. One of the best tracks is "Round and Round." It's one of the few times drummer David Huck Shaw gets to show his chops. "Goodbye Sally" is another stellar power pop song and has a hint of a string section near its conclusion. If there's one negative to the album, it's perhaps how interchangeable the songs are. While all very strong, none particularly stand out, but "Angelina Jolie" has far more urgency and intensity than the other songs. The same could be said for the adorable "Sleeper," with its great guitar finish. "Sunshine" has a melody similar to Wet Wet Wet's hit "Love Is All Around." -AMG



Graffiti Sketches: Graffiti and Experimental

Epic Graffiti Workplace

Epic Graffiti Canvas

Experimentation canvases sketches. a little of everything. Via:coroflot
Graffiti in u'r Body